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Maintaining Momentum during the Summer Months

July 13, 2015

For the next few months, many of us will be enjoying much anticipated vacations and a few long weekends away from the office.  But less time in the office does not have to translate into less time spent with your mentoring partner. There are a number of fun and creative ways to keep your partnership moving along and the following are some tips maintaining momentum during the summer:

Modify you Mentoring Agreement. Plan to take a portion of your next mentoring meeting to share your summer calendar with your mentoring partner and evaluate if the current meeting times and frequency  are realistic over the summer months. It is better to work out alternative time frames and even shortened meeting times if it means you are able to stick to your plans and stay connected. You can always switch back in September.

Start you own Book Club. Over the summer months, plan to read a leadership book together. This is a great way to touch base and sharpen a competency. Even if one partner is reading their book by the sand and surf, they can still text or email a thought or observation.

Identify a new venue for your next meeting.  Meeting with your mentoring partner does not have to occur in the confines of an office. There are a number of museums and venues you can visit to learn more about what interests you. If you work in a metropolitan area, a trip to a local museum is a great way to change things up and stay connected. You can even discuss a plan or a challenge you are experiencing on the way over.  

Challenge each other to a physical stretch assignment. Discuss with your mentoring partner an athletic challenge that you would like to take on and go for it! Maybe it is running a mile or even competing in a triathlon. Make sure it stretches you physically and keep each other abreast of progress. If you are both of similar skill, you may even want to train together.

Plan a group activity. Organize a hike with the entire mentoring cohort or plan to participate in a run or walk for a cause. Many of us participate in these events on a regular basis and often with a few friends or colleagues. By including other mentoring participants in the activity, you have instantly created a networking opportunity for everyone to get together.

Maintaining your mentoring momentum during the summer months does not have to be a challenge. It is all about staying connected and having some fun in the process. 

This article was published in The Training Connection, Inc.'s July 2015 Newsletter.

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